Four Tracks of Study

1. Start-up Business Building Track 

Enroll IES406 Startup Business Building for 9 credits and IESxxx IE Technical Elective for 3 credits in the 2nd semester of the 4th year

Procedure of IES406 Startup Business Building 

Organize a team with knowledge and backgrounds necessary for start-up business building

Generate idea 

Build prototype of the technologies based on the plan

Let target customers use the developed technologies

Participate in Business Pitching sessions organized by 88Sandbox

Passed all procedures of start-up business building and got satisfactory outcomes, students will get 9 credits from Start-up Business Building course

2. Full-time On the Job Training Track

Enroll IES 404 Full-time on the Job Training in Industries course for 12 credits

Do full-time work in industries every day for the last semester of the bachelor program

Solve real problems in industries that SIIT advisor and industrial supervisor are identified

Receive consultation from both advisor and supervisor 

Receive a per diem from industries 

Students may get a job offered by industries and continue working there seamlessly

3. Overseas Exchange Track

Apply for exchange study to a University abroad under collaborations

Enroll IES304 Industrial Engineering Training for 1 credit in the summer semester of the 3rd year

Enroll 11 credits at SIIT in the 2nd semester of 4th year

Enroll equivalent courses at University abroad 

Transfer Credits from University abroad to SIIT (dependent on the grade obtained)

Enjoy culture and experiences abroad

  4. Senior Project Track


Most projects are related to real applications of IESL knowledge and techniques in industries.